


Privacy Policy

Política de privacidade

Privacy Policy

Política de privacidade


The Privacy Policy of IMPACT BANK (IMPACT BANK PAGAMENTOS LTDA.), registered with CNPJ nº 40.059.045/0001-56, aims to establish and share with all users, including suppliers and other parties with which IMPACT BANK has relationship (“Users”), in a transparent manner, how information and data are collected, used, stored, processed and protected in the context of the use of the IMPACT BANK mobile application and mobile devices (“Application”) and the website www. (“Site”).

When registering at IMPACT BANK and clicking on the “I READ AND ACCEPT” box or if updates to the Privacy Policy are accepted, as described below, you are expressly and freely indicating, your agreement with our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. Therefore, we suggest that you carefully read the terms contained herein, as well as the Terms and Conditions of Use, and their respective eventual updates, before making the decision to start using or continue using the services offered by IMPACT BANK (“Services”).

In order to make our Privacy Policy easier to understand, we use some terms in capital letters, which have the meaning defined for the purposes of this document. The defined terms have their meaning described in this Privacy Policy. The words and terms contained in this Privacy Policy not expressly defined, written in Portuguese or any other language, as well as any other technical and/or financial language or no, which may be used to identify the practice of any act, must be understood and interpreted in line with the internationally recognized concept. IMPACT BANK At IMPACT BANK, we always seek to provide the best experience when using our Services, therefore, transparency is very important. In order for IMPACT BANK to provide its Services in the most beneficial way possible, we need to collect some of your personal data and information arising from the use of the Services offered by IMPACT BANK. We greatly appreciate the trust placed in us. Therefore, we have adopted security standards and clear rules for using stored data and will not use it in any way that contradicts this Privacy Policy, the Terms of Use or applicable law.


Under the terms of Law No. 13,709 , of August 14, 2018 (“LGPD”), data processing is any operation carried out with personal data, such as those relating to collection, production, reception, classification, use, access, reproduction, transmission, distribution, processing, archiving, storage, deletion, evaluation or control of information, modification, communication, transfer, dissemination or extraction. IMPACT BANK processes personal data for specific purposes and in strict compliance with the legal bases provided for in the LGPD, such as for: ( a) compliance with legal and regulatory obligations; (b) the regular exercise of rights and, whenever necessary, for the execution of contracts signed with Users; (c) credit protection or (d) to meet the legitimate interests of the entity, its customers or third parties. For any other purpose, for which the holder's consent must be collected, the processing will be conditioned on free, informed expression and unequivocally of the holder. IMPACT BANK may collect, use, store, process and transmit or make available to third parties the data, information and access records collected for the following purposes: (i) ensuring the necessary identification, qualification and authentication of Users; (ii) provision of the Services offered on the Website and the Application, including managing User accounts and communicating news and updates to Users; (iii) improvement of its functionalities; (iv) in cases required by law; (v) prevention of acts related to money laundering or other illicit acts; (vi) in case of suspected fraud, violation of third party rights or other illegal acts committed by Users, for the purposes of investigation by harmed third parties and/or competent authorities; (vii) in response to court orders; (viii) ensure greater security and prevent fraud; (ix) for mapping market and statistical information and preparing data reports; or(x) other hypotheses based on legitimate objectives and within the law, such as support and promotion of events held by IMPACT BANK. IMPACT BANK clarifies that it shares infrastructure, systems and technology with other companies, aiming to guarantee a consistent and safe experience in all products and services offered.


Sources of Personal Data: IMPACT BANK may collect and process data obtained (i) directly from the holder when contracting your products and Services or in simulations at the proposal stage; (ii) from legitimate and public external sources, supported by law or contract; (iii) due to possible sharing of data between IMPACT BANK and companies in the same economic group, companies managed by or under direct or indirect control of IMPACT BANK or its controller(s), suppliers and service providers, acquirers and Impact Bank Card Flag, as long as it is previously notified to the IMPACT BANK holder; (iv) browsing the Website or Application. The data collected and processed includes all information that Users have made available to IMPACT BANK actively and voluntarily, including, among others: Personal Data: any data that allows the User's personal identification, such as, for example, social name, date of birth, surname, CPF, identity card, National Driver's License, Foreigner Identity Card (“CIE”), National Registry of Foreigners, CIE application protocol, Passport, age, nationality, email address, place of birth , mother's name, father's name, home address, business address, marital status, gender, home phone, work phone, cell phone, racial origin, stored photo, agency and account, Politically Exposed Person information, professional documents (CREA, OAB and etc.), email address, among others (“Personal Data”). Account Data: any data that the User enters in the context of using IMPACT BANK Services on the Website and Application, including, but not limited to payment account or current account numbers, both of the User and third parties, financial transactions via IMPACT BANK and the nature and type of expenses, among others (“Account Data”). Access Data: IMPACT BANK may also collect information through the use of the Website and the Application, more specifically, but not limited to, limited to the access browser used by the User or the mobile device used, if applicable, information about your screen and Communication Data: if the communication tools made available by IMPACT BANK are used, a record will be kept of all communication exchanged so that IMPACT BANK can assist you in eventually resolving similar or related future problems (“Communication Data”). Periodically, IMPACT BANK may request additional data from the User, and you will always have the option of providing them or not.


The data collected by IMPACT BANK, defined above, may be collected through the use of cookies and similar technologies, such as pixels and tags, to make sure that the Services provided by IMPACT BANK meet the expected standard.Cookies are files recorded on the user's access device while they browse the internet and are stored in their browser, storing their preferences and personalizing their access. The implementation and access to cookies serves to allow correct identification, in addition to improving the quality of information offered on the Website and the experience for Users.The regular use of cookies is a common practice in the industry, as it allows the storage of important information, such as, for example, the User's access to the platform, for the selection of content presented to the User.When browsing the websites, IMPACT BANK uses cookies so that the User has the best possible experience on the portal.The User may, at their discretion, program their browser to disable or be notified about the use of cookies. The cookies collected by IMPACT BANK will be used within the terms set out in this Privacy Policy and the Terms of Use. Therefore, IMPACT BANK reserves the right to use cookies and collect, process, store and, in some cases, share, with its controllers, subsidiaries, affiliates or companies in any way associated, and other partners, the information collected, to, among others: (i) allow more efficient and faster navigation; (ii) respond to your questions and requests; (iii) offer and offer more assertive and relevant information to the specific needs and interests of Users; and (iv) carry out communication and relationship marketing research, to improve products and services, as well as the calculation of statistics in general, always in compliance with the laws and regulations in force. We emphasize that it is possible for the User, at any time, to activate mechanisms in your browser to inform you when cookies are activated or also prevent them from being activated.


To provide Services to its customers, IMPACT BANK adopts advanced features aimed at protecting holders' personal information. The holders' personal information, as described above, is not disclosed by IMPACT BANK, except in the circumstances are expressly mentioned in this Policy and under the terms of the LGPD. IMPACT BANK may use, in accordance with its legitimate interest, the data collected for the purposes listed below: Operation of IMPACT BANK We will use all data so that you can use our Services according to expected performance, as well as to develop and improve them. This also includes, among other things, performing statistical analyzes and identifying and resolving operational problems. IMPACT BANK may also use the data provided by the User and the data collected by IMPACT BANK to identify your specific needs and, in this way, develop more personalized and individualized services.Sending of e-mails and alerts by IMPACT BANK Electronic messages related to IMPACT BANK may be sent to you for the purpose of helping you explore all the functionalities offered, as well as providing guidance for using the Services more efficiently.IMPACT BANK's Exclusive Property Database By clicking on the “I READ AND ACCEPT” box, the User also EXPRESSLY AND FREELY authorizes the use of all the information collected to create an IMPACT BANK intellectual property database, in a to assist in the development of other benefits and intelligent solutions, with the aim of increasingly meeting Users’ needs.Transmission of Data to Companies in the Same Economic Group The sharing of Personal Data, Account Data, Access Data and User Communication Data is permitted, as necessary, between companies in the same economic group as IMPACT BANK, as such sharing aims to benefit Users and enable the services provided to them. For the purposes of this sharing, the companies managed by or under the direct or indirect control of IMPACT BANK or its controller(s) or administrator(s), current or future, and who act in a coordinated manner with IMPACT BANK in order to maximize productivity and results, ensuring excellence in the provision of services to its Users.Furthermore, the User acknowledges and agrees to share Personal Data, Account Data, Access Data and Communication Data, as necessary, to the Financial Institution with which IMPACT BANK Payments LTDA. has an operational agreement, as such sharing aims to benefit Users and enable the services provided to them within the scope of the Services. Data Transmission to Third Parties By agreeing to the Privacy Policy, the User acknowledges and accepts that they do not qualify as third parties people belonging to the same economic group as IMPACT BANK, as described above. That said, as long as it is for its benefit and after obtaining the User's consent, IMPACT BANK is authorized to share Personal Data with partners who are formally obliged to maintain confidentiality regarding the information thus known. On the other hand, Account Data, Access Data and Communication Data may only be shared with third parties with the User's express and specific authorization.AdvertisingIMPACT BANK may use, after obtaining the User's consent, the data collected to send targeted advertising via email or any other means of communication, containing information about the institution and its products and services and share with companies in the same group economical way to offer products and services of interest to you.The user, however, reserves the right, at any time, including when personal information is made available, to inform IMPACT BANK, through the communication channels available for the registration of such information, of his/her non-interest in receiving such information. advertisements, including by email (opt-out). In this case, IMPACT BANK will interrupt such services as soon as possible.


Information Security The security of all data made available by our Users and their connection records is considered extremely important by IMPACT BANK. Even though we know that any protection system is subject to defects and possible violations that lead to data leakage, it is our intention to always prevent this from occurring. To this end, all User information travels securely, using the internet's standard encryption process.IMPACT BANK limits access to data and personal information collected to its own employees who may need to know it to perform their functions and maintains access controls in accordance with the law.


has physical, electronic and electronic protection resources and procedural, which meet national and international legal standards for the protection of personal information, such as access authentication mechanisms with double authentication systems ensuring the individualization of the person responsible for processing the records, detailed inventory of access to the platform, use of solutions records management using techniques that guarantee the inviolability of data, as well as physical and logical access controls, in an ethical and legal manner.Therefore, any and all personal information collected from Users, including sensitive personal information, will be treated in order to meet the purposes defined in the service provision contract, or Terms and Conditions of Use, always in compliance with current legislation. The data collected by IMPACT BANK is stored and saved on the servers of IMPACT BANK or a partner Financial Institution as long as Users maintain their active registration with us. The User will have access to their data stored by IMPACT BANK and will be able to request any necessary corrections.Deletion of Data Upon express request of the User after canceling registration with IMPACT BANK, carried out through the Website/Application, except in cases of mandatory record keeping provided for in applicable law or the storage necessary for the regular exercise of rights by IMPACT BANK, IMPACT BANK undertakes to permanently delete all your Personal Data, Access Data and Communication Data.It is worth noting that both the express request for deletion from registration with IMPACT BANK, and the deletion of Personal Data, Access Data and Communication Data imply exclusion from registration with IMPACT BANK, with permanent loss of access to any information entered therein. To use the Services provided by IMPACT BANK again, the User must initiate the necessary procedures to create a new registration with IMPACT BANK.


ventually, due to legal compliance or order from public authority, IMPACT BANK will keep certain Users' data stored for a longer period and, upon court decision, may make data collected from Users available, in compliance with the LGPD's determinations. In these cases, the information strictly necessary to fulfill the request will be provided. USER RIGHTS In compliance with applicable regulations, with regard to the processing of personal data, IMPACT BANK respects and guarantees the User the possibility of submitting requests based on the following rights:i) confirmation of the existence of processing;ii) access to data;iii) correction of incomplete, inaccurate or outdated data;iv) anonymization, blocking or deletion of unnecessary, excessive or non-compliant data;v) the portability of your data to another service or product provider, upon express request by the User;vi) the elimination of data processed with the User's consent;vii) information from public and private entities with which IMPACT BANK shared the use of data;viii) information about the possibility of not providing your consent, as well as being informed about the consequences, in case of refusal;ix) the revocation of consent.


Personal data processed as a result of the use of services will be processed by IMPACT BANK in accordance with current applicable legislation. IMPACT BANK is headquartered in Brazil, but may process personal data in other countries by hiring partner companies, which, in turn, will be subject to the obligations of this Policy of Privacy. ACCESS TO DATA Access to personal information collected, stored or otherwise processed by IMPACT BANK is restricted to authorized professionals, with use being limited to other tasks. It is also required of every organization and third parties hired for the provision of support services, which comply with the institution's Information Security Policies and Code of Ethics.IMPACT BANK may reveal the personal information it has received in the following cases, always subject to the applicable requirements of articles 7 and 11 of the LGPD: (i) whenever it is obliged to reveal it, whether by virtue of a legal provision, act of authority competent court order or warrant; (ii) to its commercial partners and/or service providers, in order to meet the service request made by the holders; (iii) credit protection and defense bodies and service providers authorized by IMPACT BANK to defend their rights and credits; (iv) bodies that manage consumer registries; (v) its controllers, companies controlled by it, companies related to it or associated in any way, in Brazil or abroad; and (vi) to other financial institutions, as long as within the legal parameters established for this purpose, and, in this case, the holder may, at any time, cancel this authorization.


In case of requests or complaints, we ask that you contact us through our service channels: Email: support@ contact: +55 11 4200-0155Online chatService: Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 6:00 pmPersonal data may be requested to confirm identity.


though IMPACT BANK has a duty of confidentiality in relation to your data, In accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy, it is the responsibility of each User to keep their login and password to access IMPACT BANK secure and should not provide them to anyone. If you suspect that your login and password to access IMPACT BANK have been stolen or if you believe that these are known to other people, for any reason, you must immediately notify IMPACT BANK through the customer service chat in the Application or by email -email available on the Website or Application, in addition to immediately changing your password through the Application.


As necessary, IMPACT BANK undertakes to regularly reevaluate its Privacy Policy and adapt it. If changes are implemented in this Privacy Policy, the User will be notified in advance, and must analyze such changes before accepting the new version. We emphasize that new services made available by IMPACT BANK will automatically be subject to the Privacy Policy in force at the time of their use.GENERAL PROVISIONS Any omissions or mere tolerances of the parties in demanding strict and full compliance with this Privacy Policy and/or prerogatives arising from it or the law, will not constitute novation or waiver, nor will they affect the exercise of any rights provided for herein, which may be fully and fully exercised, at any time. If a provision is found to be void, the remaining provisions of this Privacy Policy will remain in full force and a valid term will replace the void term, reflecting our intention as much as possible. APPLICABLE LAW AND DISPUTE RESOLUTION Any and all disputes set out in this Privacy Policy will be resolved in accordance with Brazilian law, with jurisdiction in the city of São Paulo, State of São Paulo, to the exclusion of any other, however privileged it may be. It is clear , furthermore, that the use of Services and orders commanded outside Brazilian territory, or even those resulting from operations initiated abroad may also be subject to the legislation and jurisdiction of the authorities of the countries where they are commanded or initiated.


you must contact IMPACT BANK via the email available on the Website or Application. We are available at this same email address to answer any other questions you may have.


The Privacy Policy of IMPACT BANK (IMPACT BANK PAGAMENTOS LTDA.), registered with CNPJ nº 40.059.045/0001-56, aims to establish and share with all users, including suppliers and other parties with which IMPACT BANK has relationship (“Users”), in a transparent manner, how information and data are collected, used, stored, processed and protected in the context of the use of the IMPACT BANK mobile application and mobile devices (“Application”) and the website www. (“Site”).

When registering at IMPACT BANK and clicking on the “I READ AND ACCEPT” box or if updates to the Privacy Policy are accepted, as described below, you are expressly and freely indicating, your agreement with our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. Therefore, we suggest that you carefully read the terms contained herein, as well as the Terms and Conditions of Use, and their respective eventual updates, before making the decision to start using or continue using the services offered by IMPACT BANK (“Services”).

In order to make our Privacy Policy easier to understand, we use some terms in capital letters, which have the meaning defined for the purposes of this document. The defined terms have their meaning described in this Privacy Policy. The words and terms contained in this Privacy Policy not expressly defined, written in Portuguese or any other language, as well as any other technical and/or financial language or no, which may be used to identify the practice of any act, must be understood and interpreted in line with the internationally recognized concept. IMPACT BANK At IMPACT BANK, we always seek to provide the best experience when using our Services, therefore, transparency is very important. In order for IMPACT BANK to provide its Services in the most beneficial way possible, we need to collect some of your personal data and information arising from the use of the Services offered by IMPACT BANK. We greatly appreciate the trust placed in us. Therefore, we have adopted security standards and clear rules for using stored data and will not use it in any way that contradicts this Privacy Policy, the Terms of Use or applicable law.


Under the terms of Law No. 13,709 , of August 14, 2018 (“LGPD”), data processing is any operation carried out with personal data, such as those relating to collection, production, reception, classification, use, access, reproduction, transmission, distribution, processing, archiving, storage, deletion, evaluation or control of information, modification, communication, transfer, dissemination or extraction. IMPACT BANK processes personal data for specific purposes and in strict compliance with the legal bases provided for in the LGPD, such as for: ( a) compliance with legal and regulatory obligations; (b) the regular exercise of rights and, whenever necessary, for the execution of contracts signed with Users; (c) credit protection or (d) to meet the legitimate interests of the entity, its customers or third parties. For any other purpose, for which the holder's consent must be collected, the processing will be conditioned on free, informed expression and unequivocally of the holder. IMPACT BANK may collect, use, store, process and transmit or make available to third parties the data, information and access records collected for the following purposes: (i) ensuring the necessary identification, qualification and authentication of Users; (ii) provision of the Services offered on the Website and the Application, including managing User accounts and communicating news and updates to Users; (iii) improvement of its functionalities; (iv) in cases required by law; (v) prevention of acts related to money laundering or other illicit acts; (vi) in case of suspected fraud, violation of third party rights or other illegal acts committed by Users, for the purposes of investigation by harmed third parties and/or competent authorities; (vii) in response to court orders; (viii) ensure greater security and prevent fraud; (ix) for mapping market and statistical information and preparing data reports; or(x) other hypotheses based on legitimate objectives and within the law, such as support and promotion of events held by IMPACT BANK. IMPACT BANK clarifies that it shares infrastructure, systems and technology with other companies, aiming to guarantee a consistent and safe experience in all products and services offered.


Sources of Personal Data: IMPACT BANK may collect and process data obtained (i) directly from the holder when contracting your products and Services or in simulations at the proposal stage; (ii) from legitimate and public external sources, supported by law or contract; (iii) due to possible sharing of data between IMPACT BANK and companies in the same economic group, companies managed by or under direct or indirect control of IMPACT BANK or its controller(s), suppliers and service providers, acquirers and Impact Bank Card Flag, as long as it is previously notified to the IMPACT BANK holder; (iv) browsing the Website or Application. The data collected and processed includes all information that Users have made available to IMPACT BANK actively and voluntarily, including, among others: Personal Data: any data that allows the User's personal identification, such as, for example, social name, date of birth, surname, CPF, identity card, National Driver's License, Foreigner Identity Card (“CIE”), National Registry of Foreigners, CIE application protocol, Passport, age, nationality, email address, place of birth , mother's name, father's name, home address, business address, marital status, gender, home phone, work phone, cell phone, racial origin, stored photo, agency and account, Politically Exposed Person information, professional documents (CREA, OAB and etc.), email address, among others (“Personal Data”). Account Data: any data that the User enters in the context of using IMPACT BANK Services on the Website and Application, including, but not limited to payment account or current account numbers, both of the User and third parties, financial transactions via IMPACT BANK and the nature and type of expenses, among others (“Account Data”). Access Data: IMPACT BANK may also collect information through the use of the Website and the Application, more specifically, but not limited to, limited to the access browser used by the User or the mobile device used, if applicable, information about your screen and Communication Data: if the communication tools made available by IMPACT BANK are used, a record will be kept of all communication exchanged so that IMPACT BANK can assist you in eventually resolving similar or related future problems (“Communication Data”). Periodically, IMPACT BANK may request additional data from the User, and you will always have the option of providing them or not.


The data collected by IMPACT BANK, defined above, may be collected through the use of cookies and similar technologies, such as pixels and tags, to make sure that the Services provided by IMPACT BANK meet the expected standard.Cookies are files recorded on the user's access device while they browse the internet and are stored in their browser, storing their preferences and personalizing their access. The implementation and access to cookies serves to allow correct identification, in addition to improving the quality of information offered on the Website and the experience for Users.The regular use of cookies is a common practice in the industry, as it allows the storage of important information, such as, for example, the User's access to the platform, for the selection of content presented to the User.When browsing the websites, IMPACT BANK uses cookies so that the User has the best possible experience on the portal.The User may, at their discretion, program their browser to disable or be notified about the use of cookies. The cookies collected by IMPACT BANK will be used within the terms set out in this Privacy Policy and the Terms of Use. Therefore, IMPACT BANK reserves the right to use cookies and collect, process, store and, in some cases, share, with its controllers, subsidiaries, affiliates or companies in any way associated, and other partners, the information collected, to, among others: (i) allow more efficient and faster navigation; (ii) respond to your questions and requests; (iii) offer and offer more assertive and relevant information to the specific needs and interests of Users; and (iv) carry out communication and relationship marketing research, to improve products and services, as well as the calculation of statistics in general, always in compliance with the laws and regulations in force. We emphasize that it is possible for the User, at any time, to activate mechanisms in your browser to inform you when cookies are activated or also prevent them from being activated.


To provide Services to its customers, IMPACT BANK adopts advanced features aimed at protecting holders' personal information. The holders' personal information, as described above, is not disclosed by IMPACT BANK, except in the circumstances are expressly mentioned in this Policy and under the terms of the LGPD. IMPACT BANK may use, in accordance with its legitimate interest, the data collected for the purposes listed below: Operation of IMPACT BANK We will use all data so that you can use our Services according to expected performance, as well as to develop and improve them. This also includes, among other things, performing statistical analyzes and identifying and resolving operational problems. IMPACT BANK may also use the data provided by the User and the data collected by IMPACT BANK to identify your specific needs and, in this way, develop more personalized and individualized services.Sending of e-mails and alerts by IMPACT BANK Electronic messages related to IMPACT BANK may be sent to you for the purpose of helping you explore all the functionalities offered, as well as providing guidance for using the Services more efficiently.IMPACT BANK's Exclusive Property Database By clicking on the “I READ AND ACCEPT” box, the User also EXPRESSLY AND FREELY authorizes the use of all the information collected to create an IMPACT BANK intellectual property database, in a to assist in the development of other benefits and intelligent solutions, with the aim of increasingly meeting Users’ needs.Transmission of Data to Companies in the Same Economic Group The sharing of Personal Data, Account Data, Access Data and User Communication Data is permitted, as necessary, between companies in the same economic group as IMPACT BANK, as such sharing aims to benefit Users and enable the services provided to them. For the purposes of this sharing, the companies managed by or under the direct or indirect control of IMPACT BANK or its controller(s) or administrator(s), current or future, and who act in a coordinated manner with IMPACT BANK in order to maximize productivity and results, ensuring excellence in the provision of services to its Users.Furthermore, the User acknowledges and agrees to share Personal Data, Account Data, Access Data and Communication Data, as necessary, to the Financial Institution with which IMPACT BANK Payments LTDA. has an operational agreement, as such sharing aims to benefit Users and enable the services provided to them within the scope of the Services. Data Transmission to Third Parties By agreeing to the Privacy Policy, the User acknowledges and accepts that they do not qualify as third parties people belonging to the same economic group as IMPACT BANK, as described above. That said, as long as it is for its benefit and after obtaining the User's consent, IMPACT BANK is authorized to share Personal Data with partners who are formally obliged to maintain confidentiality regarding the information thus known. On the other hand, Account Data, Access Data and Communication Data may only be shared with third parties with the User's express and specific authorization.AdvertisingIMPACT BANK may use, after obtaining the User's consent, the data collected to send targeted advertising via email or any other means of communication, containing information about the institution and its products and services and share with companies in the same group economical way to offer products and services of interest to you.The user, however, reserves the right, at any time, including when personal information is made available, to inform IMPACT BANK, through the communication channels available for the registration of such information, of his/her non-interest in receiving such information. advertisements, including by email (opt-out). In this case, IMPACT BANK will interrupt such services as soon as possible.


Information Security The security of all data made available by our Users and their connection records is considered extremely important by IMPACT BANK. Even though we know that any protection system is subject to defects and possible violations that lead to data leakage, it is our intention to always prevent this from occurring. To this end, all User information travels securely, using the internet's standard encryption process.IMPACT BANK limits access to data and personal information collected to its own employees who may need to know it to perform their functions and maintains access controls in accordance with the law.


has physical, electronic and electronic protection resources and procedural, which meet national and international legal standards for the protection of personal information, such as access authentication mechanisms with double authentication systems ensuring the individualization of the person responsible for processing the records, detailed inventory of access to the platform, use of solutions records management using techniques that guarantee the inviolability of data, as well as physical and logical access controls, in an ethical and legal manner.Therefore, any and all personal information collected from Users, including sensitive personal information, will be treated in order to meet the purposes defined in the service provision contract, or Terms and Conditions of Use, always in compliance with current legislation. The data collected by IMPACT BANK is stored and saved on the servers of IMPACT BANK or a partner Financial Institution as long as Users maintain their active registration with us. The User will have access to their data stored by IMPACT BANK and will be able to request any necessary corrections.Deletion of Data Upon express request of the User after canceling registration with IMPACT BANK, carried out through the Website/Application, except in cases of mandatory record keeping provided for in applicable law or the storage necessary for the regular exercise of rights by IMPACT BANK, IMPACT BANK undertakes to permanently delete all your Personal Data, Access Data and Communication Data.It is worth noting that both the express request for deletion from registration with IMPACT BANK, and the deletion of Personal Data, Access Data and Communication Data imply exclusion from registration with IMPACT BANK, with permanent loss of access to any information entered therein. To use the Services provided by IMPACT BANK again, the User must initiate the necessary procedures to create a new registration with IMPACT BANK.


ventually, due to legal compliance or order from public authority, IMPACT BANK will keep certain Users' data stored for a longer period and, upon court decision, may make data collected from Users available, in compliance with the LGPD's determinations. In these cases, the information strictly necessary to fulfill the request will be provided. USER RIGHTS In compliance with applicable regulations, with regard to the processing of personal data, IMPACT BANK respects and guarantees the User the possibility of submitting requests based on the following rights:i) confirmation of the existence of processing;ii) access to data;iii) correction of incomplete, inaccurate or outdated data;iv) anonymization, blocking or deletion of unnecessary, excessive or non-compliant data;v) the portability of your data to another service or product provider, upon express request by the User;vi) the elimination of data processed with the User's consent;vii) information from public and private entities with which IMPACT BANK shared the use of data;viii) information about the possibility of not providing your consent, as well as being informed about the consequences, in case of refusal;ix) the revocation of consent.


Personal data processed as a result of the use of services will be processed by IMPACT BANK in accordance with current applicable legislation. IMPACT BANK is headquartered in Brazil, but may process personal data in other countries by hiring partner companies, which, in turn, will be subject to the obligations of this Policy of Privacy. ACCESS TO DATA Access to personal information collected, stored or otherwise processed by IMPACT BANK is restricted to authorized professionals, with use being limited to other tasks. It is also required of every organization and third parties hired for the provision of support services, which comply with the institution's Information Security Policies and Code of Ethics.IMPACT BANK may reveal the personal information it has received in the following cases, always subject to the applicable requirements of articles 7 and 11 of the LGPD: (i) whenever it is obliged to reveal it, whether by virtue of a legal provision, act of authority competent court order or warrant; (ii) to its commercial partners and/or service providers, in order to meet the service request made by the holders; (iii) credit protection and defense bodies and service providers authorized by IMPACT BANK to defend their rights and credits; (iv) bodies that manage consumer registries; (v) its controllers, companies controlled by it, companies related to it or associated in any way, in Brazil or abroad; and (vi) to other financial institutions, as long as within the legal parameters established for this purpose, and, in this case, the holder may, at any time, cancel this authorization.


In case of requests or complaints, we ask that you contact us through our service channels: Email: support@ contact: +55 11 4200-0155Online chatService: Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 6:00 pmPersonal data may be requested to confirm identity.


though IMPACT BANK has a duty of confidentiality in relation to your data, In accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy, it is the responsibility of each User to keep their login and password to access IMPACT BANK secure and should not provide them to anyone. If you suspect that your login and password to access IMPACT BANK have been stolen or if you believe that these are known to other people, for any reason, you must immediately notify IMPACT BANK through the customer service chat in the Application or by email -email available on the Website or Application, in addition to immediately changing your password through the Application.


As necessary, IMPACT BANK undertakes to regularly reevaluate its Privacy Policy and adapt it. If changes are implemented in this Privacy Policy, the User will be notified in advance, and must analyze such changes before accepting the new version. We emphasize that new services made available by IMPACT BANK will automatically be subject to the Privacy Policy in force at the time of their use.GENERAL PROVISIONS Any omissions or mere tolerances of the parties in demanding strict and full compliance with this Privacy Policy and/or prerogatives arising from it or the law, will not constitute novation or waiver, nor will they affect the exercise of any rights provided for herein, which may be fully and fully exercised, at any time. If a provision is found to be void, the remaining provisions of this Privacy Policy will remain in full force and a valid term will replace the void term, reflecting our intention as much as possible. APPLICABLE LAW AND DISPUTE RESOLUTION Any and all disputes set out in this Privacy Policy will be resolved in accordance with Brazilian law, with jurisdiction in the city of São Paulo, State of São Paulo, to the exclusion of any other, however privileged it may be. It is clear , furthermore, that the use of Services and orders commanded outside Brazilian territory, or even those resulting from operations initiated abroad may also be subject to the legislation and jurisdiction of the authorities of the countries where they are commanded or initiated.


you must contact IMPACT BANK via the email available on the Website or Application. We are available at this same email address to answer any other questions you may have.

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Impact not a Bank Payments SA, registered under CNPJ/MF, under no. 40,059,045/0001-56, is not a financial institution and does not directly carry out credit operations. It acts as a payment institution, governed by Law No. 12,865, of October 9, 2013, and regulated by Circular of the Central Bank of Brazil (“Bacen”) No. 3,885, of March 26, 2018, and as a banking correspondent under the terms of art. 2, of CMN Resolution 3,954, of February 24, 2011 (“Resolution 4,656/2018). Impact Bank enables services for buying, selling, and moving funds, within a payment arrangement, and operates as an authorized exchange correspondent by the Central Bank of Brazil of eFX Corretora de Câmbio Ltda., CNPJ 94,968,518/0001-67, headquartered at Avenida São Luis, 192, sobreloja 25, República, Centro, CEP 01046-913, São Paulo-SP, phone (11) 3156-2166, ombudsman 0800 770 5422 | to facilitate the process of buying and selling foreign currency ("Impact Bank Exchange"). Some services provided, such as transferring funds from Impact Bank payment accounts to other banks, are carried out through partnerships with financial institutions duly authorized by Bacen. The Impact Bank Investment Platform is developed by Órama Distribuidora de Títulos e Valores Mobiliários S.A. ("Órama"), an institution integrated into the securities distribution system duly established and operational in Brazil, duly authorized to operate by the Central Bank of Brazil ("BACEN") and by the Securities and Exchange Commission ("CVM"). Órama is responsible for the distribution of investment products. All operations carried out on the Impact Bank Investment Platform are executed and monitored through Órama's control systems. Impact Bank is not authorized to provide any activity related to the distribution of investments provided for in a specific norm and regulated by a regulating body, including, but not limited to, activities regulated by CVM under the terms of CVM Resolution No. 19, of February 25, 2021, which deals with the activity of securities consultancy; CVM Resolution No. 16, of February 9, 2021, which deals with the activity of independent investment agent; CVM Resolution No. 21, of February 25, 2021, relating to the activity of managing a portfolio of securities; and CVM Resolution No. 20, of February 25, 2021, which deals with the activity of securities analyst. Before making any investment decision, the investor must analyze if the investment product is compatible with their profile and contact their securities intermediary and/or investment advisor.

© 2024 Impact not a Bank. All rights reserved.


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Impact not a Bank Payments SA, registered under CNPJ/MF, under no. 40,059,045/0001-56, is not a financial institution and does not directly carry out credit operations. It acts as a payment institution, governed by Law No. 12,865, of October 9, 2013, and regulated by Circular of the Central Bank of Brazil (“Bacen”) No. 3,885, of March 26, 2018, and as a banking correspondent under the terms of art. 2, of CMN Resolution 3,954, of February 24, 2011 (“Resolution 4,656/2018). Impact Bank enables services for buying, selling, and moving funds, within a payment arrangement, and operates as an authorized exchange correspondent by the Central Bank of Brazil of eFX Corretora de Câmbio Ltda., CNPJ 94,968,518/0001-67, headquartered at Avenida São Luis, 192, sobreloja 25, República, Centro, CEP 01046-913, São Paulo-SP, phone (11) 3156-2166, ombudsman 0800 770 5422 | to facilitate the process of buying and selling foreign currency ("Impact Bank Exchange"). Some services provided, such as transferring funds from Impact Bank payment accounts to other banks, are carried out through partnerships with financial institutions duly authorized by Bacen. The Impact Bank Investment Platform is developed by Órama Distribuidora de Títulos e Valores Mobiliários S.A. ("Órama"), an institution integrated into the securities distribution system duly established and operational in Brazil, duly authorized to operate by the Central Bank of Brazil ("BACEN") and by the Securities and Exchange Commission ("CVM"). Órama is responsible for the distribution of investment products. All operations carried out on the Impact Bank Investment Platform are executed and monitored through Órama's control systems. Impact Bank is not authorized to provide any activity related to the distribution of investments provided for in a specific norm and regulated by a regulating body, including, but not limited to, activities regulated by CVM under the terms of CVM Resolution No. 19, of February 25, 2021, which deals with the activity of securities consultancy; CVM Resolution No. 16, of February 9, 2021, which deals with the activity of independent investment agent; CVM Resolution No. 21, of February 25, 2021, relating to the activity of managing a portfolio of securities; and CVM Resolution No. 20, of February 25, 2021, which deals with the activity of securities analyst. Before making any investment decision, the investor must analyze if the investment product is compatible with their profile and contact their securities intermediary and/or investment advisor.

© 2024 Impact not a Bank. All rights reserved.


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Impact not a Bank Payments SA, registered under CNPJ/MF, under no. 40,059,045/0001-56, is not a financial institution and does not directly carry out credit operations. It acts as a payment institution, governed by Law No. 12,865, of October 9, 2013, and regulated by Circular of the Central Bank of Brazil (“Bacen”) No. 3,885, of March 26, 2018, and as a banking correspondent under the terms of art. 2, of CMN Resolution 3,954, of February 24, 2011 (“Resolution 4,656/2018). Impact Bank enables services for buying, selling, and moving funds, within a payment arrangement, and operates as an authorized exchange correspondent by the Central Bank of Brazil of eFX Corretora de Câmbio Ltda., CNPJ 94,968,518/0001-67, headquartered at Avenida São Luis, 192, sobreloja 25, República, Centro, CEP 01046-913, São Paulo-SP, phone (11) 3156-2166, ombudsman 0800 770 5422 | to facilitate the process of buying and selling foreign currency ("Impact Bank Exchange"). Some services provided, such as transferring funds from Impact Bank payment accounts to other banks, are carried out through partnerships with financial institutions duly authorized by Bacen. The Impact Bank Investment Platform is developed by Órama Distribuidora de Títulos e Valores Mobiliários S.A. ("Órama"), an institution integrated into the securities distribution system duly established and operational in Brazil, duly authorized to operate by the Central Bank of Brazil ("BACEN") and by the Securities and Exchange Commission ("CVM"). Órama is responsible for the distribution of investment products. All operations carried out on the Impact Bank Investment Platform are executed and monitored through Órama's control systems. Impact Bank is not authorized to provide any activity related to the distribution of investments provided for in a specific norm and regulated by a regulating body, including, but not limited to, activities regulated by CVM under the terms of CVM Resolution No. 19, of February 25, 2021, which deals with the activity of securities consultancy; CVM Resolution No. 16, of February 9, 2021, which deals with the activity of independent investment agent; CVM Resolution No. 21, of February 25, 2021, relating to the activity of managing a portfolio of securities; and CVM Resolution No. 20, of February 25, 2021, which deals with the activity of securities analyst. Before making any investment decision, the investor must analyze if the investment product is compatible with their profile and contact their securities intermediary and/or investment advisor.

© 2024 Impact not a Bank. All rights reserved.