


Theory of Change

Theory of Change

Theory of Change

Theory of Change

The problem

The problem

Today's world is disturbed by a global imbalance of systems

Today's world is disturbed by a global imbalance of systems

If we don't resolve this soon, we will undoubtedly face more serious problems in the future, with a reduced ability to rebalance the system

If we don't resolve this soon, we will undoubtedly face more serious problems in the future, with a reduced ability to rebalance the system

Roots of the problem

Roots of the problem

The concept of profit is flawed! It does not take into account society and the environment.

The concept of profit is flawed! It does not take into account society and the environment.

Unbalanced relationship between people, planet, and business

Unbalanced relationship between people, planet, and business

Social System

Social System

Environmental System

Environmental System

Economic System

Economic System

Political System

Political System

Technological System

Technological System

Some symptoms

Some symptoms

Climate Change

Climate Change

The concentration of Greenhouse Gases has been steadily increasing since the Industrial Revolution, which implies the continuous rise in global temperature. The effects will be increasingly catastrophic with repercussions that transcend generations.

The concentration of Greenhouse Gases has been steadily increasing since the Industrial Revolution, which implies the continuous rise in global temperature. The effects will be increasingly catastrophic with repercussions that transcend generations.

Catastrophic impacts

Catastrophic impacts

Humanity is increasing the destruction of nature and the impact is affecting not only wildlife populations, but also human health and all aspects of our lives

Humanity is increasing the destruction of nature and the impact is affecting not only wildlife populations, but also human health and all aspects of our lives

Loss of biodiversity

Loss of biodiversity

1 million species threatened with extinction. We are witnessing the beginning of a mass extinction: the size of mammal, bird, fish, amphibian, and reptile populations has declined by an alarming average of 68% between 1970-2016

1 million species threatened with extinction. We are witnessing the beginning of a mass extinction: the size of mammal, bird, fish, amphibian, and reptile populations has declined by an alarming average of 68% between 1970-2016



USD 2.5 – 3 trillion per year is needed to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030 in developing countries.

USD 2.5 – 3 trillion per year is needed to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030 in developing countries.

Financial exclusion

Financial exclusion

31% of the global adult population, 1.7 billion people, especially the poor, struggle to survive without basic financial services.

31% of the global adult population, 1.7 billion people, especially the poor, struggle to survive without basic financial services.

Escalation of inequality

Escalation of inequality

Since Cabral, the rich have been getting richer and the poor have been getting poorer in Brazil.

Since Cabral, the rich have been getting richer and the poor have been getting poorer in Brazil.



Global financial assets are sufficient to meet financing needs.

Global financial assets are sufficient to meet financing needs.

Opportunity and demand for new business models that enable the generation of social and environmental value and regenerate the environment and society.

Opportunity and demand for new business models that enable the generation of social and environmental value and regenerate the environment and society.

Most financial institutions, as they operate today, do not meet these premises.

Most financial institutions, as they operate today, do not meet these premises.



Creation of social and environmental value

Creation of social and environmental value

How to create social and environmental value for the circulation of money?

How to create social and environmental value for the circulation of money?

Cooperative advantage

Cooperative advantage

What kind of new business models can empower society for a more just and regenerative development?

What kind of new business models can empower society for a more just and regenerative development?

Dismantle inequality

Dismantle inequality

How to break a historical and structural cycle that leads to economic, racial, and gender inequality in Brazil?

How to break a historical and structural cycle that leads to economic, racial, and gender inequality in Brazil?

Financial gap

Financial gap

How to channel financial resources to finance solutions for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals?

How to channel financial resources to finance solutions for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals?

Financial inclusion

Financial inclusion

How to address, in a sustainable way, the needs of unbanked or underbanked people?

How to address, in a sustainable way, the needs of unbanked or underbanked people?

Endogenous savings promotion

Endogenous savings promotion

How to leverage a cycle of social and economic inclusion in low-income regions?

How to leverage a cycle of social and economic inclusion in low-income regions?

Game-changing facilitators

Game-changing facilitators

Mobilize private capital

Mobilize private capital

to leverage transformations aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals through the use of the digital payment account

to leverage transformations aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals through the use of the digital payment account

Catalyze development

Catalyze development

of innovative, fair and ethical payment services and financial products

of innovative, fair and ethical payment services and financial products

Democratize and streamline financial services

Democratize and streamline financial services

in an accessible, effective, and secure way

in an accessible, effective, and secure way

Empower agents of social transformation

Empower agents of social transformation

organizations, entrepreneurs and social businesses

organizations, entrepreneurs and social businesses

Promote the endogenous economy

Promote the endogenous economy

and the retention of wealth in vulnerable territories through inclusive ecosystems

and the retention of wealth in vulnerable territories through inclusive ecosystems

These solutions can play a transformative role, fostering equitable growth and promoting vital development goals such as poverty reduction, job creation, gender equality, and food security.

These solutions can play a transformative role, fostering equitable growth and promoting vital development goals such as poverty reduction, job creation, gender equality, and food security.

Our DNA: Catalyzing the Sustainable Development Goals

Our DNA: Catalyzing the Sustainable Development Goals

Through partnerships

Through partnerships

Intended impact

Intended impact

Contributing to a more just, equitable, and sustainable future.

Contributing to a more just, equitable, and sustainable future.

Contributing to balancing the relationship between businesses, people, and the planet.

Contributing to balancing the relationship between businesses, people, and the planet.

Our approach

Our approach

Ethical, fair, honest, and transparent.

Ethical, fair, honest, and transparent.

Impact first

Impact first

Collaborative, inclusive, and harmonious

Collaborative, inclusive, and harmonious

Nature-centered and stakeholder-focused

Nature-centered and stakeholder-focused

Respect for past and future generations

Respect for past and future generations

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Impact not a Bank Payments SA, registered under CNPJ/MF, under no. 40,059,045/0001-56, is not a financial institution and does not directly carry out credit operations. It acts as a payment institution, governed by Law No. 12,865, of October 9, 2013, and regulated by Circular of the Central Bank of Brazil (“Bacen”) No. 3,885, of March 26, 2018, and as a banking correspondent under the terms of art. 2, of CMN Resolution 3,954, of February 24, 2011 (“Resolution 4,656/2018). Impact Bank enables services for buying, selling, and moving funds, within a payment arrangement, and operates as an authorized exchange correspondent by the Central Bank of Brazil of eFX Corretora de Câmbio Ltda., CNPJ 94,968,518/0001-67, headquartered at Avenida São Luis, 192, sobreloja 25, República, Centro, CEP 01046-913, São Paulo-SP, phone (11) 3156-2166, ombudsman 0800 770 5422 | to facilitate the process of buying and selling foreign currency ("Impact Bank Exchange"). Some services provided, such as transferring funds from Impact Bank payment accounts to other banks, are carried out through partnerships with financial institutions duly authorized by Bacen. The Impact Bank Investment Platform is developed by Órama Distribuidora de Títulos e Valores Mobiliários S.A. ("Órama"), an institution integrated into the securities distribution system duly established and operational in Brazil, duly authorized to operate by the Central Bank of Brazil ("BACEN") and by the Securities and Exchange Commission ("CVM"). Órama is responsible for the distribution of investment products. All operations carried out on the Impact Bank Investment Platform are executed and monitored through Órama's control systems. Impact Bank is not authorized to provide any activity related to the distribution of investments provided for in a specific norm and regulated by a regulating body, including, but not limited to, activities regulated by CVM under the terms of CVM Resolution No. 19, of February 25, 2021, which deals with the activity of securities consultancy; CVM Resolution No. 16, of February 9, 2021, which deals with the activity of independent investment agent; CVM Resolution No. 21, of February 25, 2021, relating to the activity of managing a portfolio of securities; and CVM Resolution No. 20, of February 25, 2021, which deals with the activity of securities analyst. Before making any investment decision, the investor must analyze if the investment product is compatible with their profile and contact their securities intermediary and/or investment advisor.

© 2024 Impact not a Bank. All rights reserved.


Our seals


Impact not a Bank Payments SA, registered under CNPJ/MF, under no. 40,059,045/0001-56, is not a financial institution and does not directly carry out credit operations. It acts as a payment institution, governed by Law No. 12,865, of October 9, 2013, and regulated by Circular of the Central Bank of Brazil (“Bacen”) No. 3,885, of March 26, 2018, and as a banking correspondent under the terms of art. 2, of CMN Resolution 3,954, of February 24, 2011 (“Resolution 4,656/2018). Impact Bank enables services for buying, selling, and moving funds, within a payment arrangement, and operates as an authorized exchange correspondent by the Central Bank of Brazil of eFX Corretora de Câmbio Ltda., CNPJ 94,968,518/0001-67, headquartered at Avenida São Luis, 192, sobreloja 25, República, Centro, CEP 01046-913, São Paulo-SP, phone (11) 3156-2166, ombudsman 0800 770 5422 | to facilitate the process of buying and selling foreign currency ("Impact Bank Exchange"). Some services provided, such as transferring funds from Impact Bank payment accounts to other banks, are carried out through partnerships with financial institutions duly authorized by Bacen. The Impact Bank Investment Platform is developed by Órama Distribuidora de Títulos e Valores Mobiliários S.A. ("Órama"), an institution integrated into the securities distribution system duly established and operational in Brazil, duly authorized to operate by the Central Bank of Brazil ("BACEN") and by the Securities and Exchange Commission ("CVM"). Órama is responsible for the distribution of investment products. All operations carried out on the Impact Bank Investment Platform are executed and monitored through Órama's control systems. Impact Bank is not authorized to provide any activity related to the distribution of investments provided for in a specific norm and regulated by a regulating body, including, but not limited to, activities regulated by CVM under the terms of CVM Resolution No. 19, of February 25, 2021, which deals with the activity of securities consultancy; CVM Resolution No. 16, of February 9, 2021, which deals with the activity of independent investment agent; CVM Resolution No. 21, of February 25, 2021, relating to the activity of managing a portfolio of securities; and CVM Resolution No. 20, of February 25, 2021, which deals with the activity of securities analyst. Before making any investment decision, the investor must analyze if the investment product is compatible with their profile and contact their securities intermediary and/or investment advisor.

© 2024 Impact not a Bank. All rights reserved.


Our seals


Impact not a Bank Payments SA, registered under CNPJ/MF, under no. 40,059,045/0001-56, is not a financial institution and does not directly carry out credit operations. It acts as a payment institution, governed by Law No. 12,865, of October 9, 2013, and regulated by Circular of the Central Bank of Brazil (“Bacen”) No. 3,885, of March 26, 2018, and as a banking correspondent under the terms of art. 2, of CMN Resolution 3,954, of February 24, 2011 (“Resolution 4,656/2018). Impact Bank enables services for buying, selling, and moving funds, within a payment arrangement, and operates as an authorized exchange correspondent by the Central Bank of Brazil of eFX Corretora de Câmbio Ltda., CNPJ 94,968,518/0001-67, headquartered at Avenida São Luis, 192, sobreloja 25, República, Centro, CEP 01046-913, São Paulo-SP, phone (11) 3156-2166, ombudsman 0800 770 5422 | to facilitate the process of buying and selling foreign currency ("Impact Bank Exchange"). Some services provided, such as transferring funds from Impact Bank payment accounts to other banks, are carried out through partnerships with financial institutions duly authorized by Bacen. The Impact Bank Investment Platform is developed by Órama Distribuidora de Títulos e Valores Mobiliários S.A. ("Órama"), an institution integrated into the securities distribution system duly established and operational in Brazil, duly authorized to operate by the Central Bank of Brazil ("BACEN") and by the Securities and Exchange Commission ("CVM"). Órama is responsible for the distribution of investment products. All operations carried out on the Impact Bank Investment Platform are executed and monitored through Órama's control systems. Impact Bank is not authorized to provide any activity related to the distribution of investments provided for in a specific norm and regulated by a regulating body, including, but not limited to, activities regulated by CVM under the terms of CVM Resolution No. 19, of February 25, 2021, which deals with the activity of securities consultancy; CVM Resolution No. 16, of February 9, 2021, which deals with the activity of independent investment agent; CVM Resolution No. 21, of February 25, 2021, relating to the activity of managing a portfolio of securities; and CVM Resolution No. 20, of February 25, 2021, which deals with the activity of securities analyst. Before making any investment decision, the investor must analyze if the investment product is compatible with their profile and contact their securities intermediary and/or investment advisor.

© 2024 Impact not a Bank. All rights reserved.