


Manifest Impact not a Bank

Manifest Impact not a Bank

Manifest Impact not a Bank

Manifest Impact not a Bank

Manifest Impact not a Bank

Manifest Impact not a Bank

Transform to Impact: A Vision of Change

Transform to Impact: A Vision of Change

At Impact not a Bank, we believe that the world is on the verge of profound, necessary, and inevitable transformations. To ensure a sustainable and fair future for all, it is essential that financial and organizational practices evolve. Our mission is to be the catalyst for this change.

At Impact not a Bank, we believe that the world is on the verge of profound, necessary, and inevitable transformations. To ensure a sustainable and fair future for all, it is essential that financial and organizational practices evolve. Our mission is to be the catalyst for this change.

Promoting Financial Inclusion and Transparency

Promoting Financial Inclusion and Transparency

One of the main barriers to sustainable development and social equity is financial exclusion. Millions of people and countless organizations around the world are still on the sidelines of efficient and accessible financial services. We are committed to breaking down these barriers, ensuring that everyone, especially those in less favored communities and remote regions, have access to financial tools that promote their development and well-being.

One of the main barriers to sustainable development and social equity is financial exclusion. Millions of people and countless organizations around the world are still on the sidelines of efficient and accessible financial services. We are committed to breaking down these barriers, ensuring that everyone, especially those in less favored communities and remote regions, have access to financial tools that promote their development and well-being.

Efficiency and Integrity in Resource Utilization

Efficiency and Integrity in Resource Utilization

Every resource allocated to impact projects must be used with maximum efficiency and integrity. Our solutions are designed to ensure that every donated penny, every investment made, and every impact initiative is able to reach its maximum potential. Our commitment is to total transparency and accountability in all our operations and services.

Every resource allocated to impact projects must be used with maximum efficiency and integrity. Our solutions are designed to ensure that every donated penny, every investment made, and every impact initiative is able to reach its maximum potential. Our commitment is to total transparency and accountability in all our operations and services.

Using Technology for the Common Good

Using Technology for the Common Good

At the crossroads of technological innovation and social responsibility, Impact not a Bank employs the most advanced technological tools to amplify the social and environmental impact of the initiatives we support. Our goal is to transform the complexity of impact management into simple and effective processes, allowing our partners to focus on what really matters: creating a better future.

At the crossroads of technological innovation and social responsibility, Impact not a Bank employs the most advanced technological tools to amplify the social and environmental impact of the initiatives we support. Our goal is to transform the complexity of impact management into simple and effective processes, allowing our partners to focus on what really matters: creating a better future.

A Global Community United for Impact

A Global Community United for Impact

We are not only helping to fund projects; we are creating a global community of change, where organizations, businesses, foundations, and individuals come together in pursuit of common goals. Collaboration is the key to addressing global challenges, and Impact not a Bank is at the heart of this network, facilitating partnerships, sharing knowledge, and uniting forces for powerful collective action.

We are not only helping to fund projects; we are creating a global community of change, where organizations, businesses, foundations, and individuals come together in pursuit of common goals. Collaboration is the key to addressing global challenges, and Impact not a Bank is at the heart of this network, facilitating partnerships, sharing knowledge, and uniting forces for powerful collective action.

Our Theory of Change

Our Theory of Change

We believe that by providing access to specialized financial services and maximizing the efficient allocation of resources, we can accelerate progress towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals and beyond. Our work is a critical piece in building an inclusive, effective, and transformative impact ecosystem.

We believe that by providing access to specialized financial services and maximizing the efficient allocation of resources, we can accelerate progress towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals and beyond. Our work is a critical piece in building an inclusive, effective, and transformative impact ecosystem.

Result of a Vision

Result of a Vision

Impact not a Bank was created by activists inspired by their experiences in impact projects and disenchanted with a financial sector that neither offers nor is interested in developing solutions to support the work of third sector organizations and impact businesses. These organizations are crucial to accelerating the necessary transformations for a fairer world for all.

It is impossible to imagine a better future without financial solutions, technology, and companies with a high degree of humanity to address the day-to-day challenges of these organizations.

Impact not a Bank was created by activists inspired by their experiences in impact projects and disenchanted with a financial sector that neither offers nor is interested in developing solutions to support the work of third sector organizations and impact businesses. These organizations are crucial to accelerating the necessary transformations for a fairer world for all.

It is impossible to imagine a better future without financial solutions, technology, and companies with a high degree of humanity to address the day-to-day challenges of these organizations.

Call to Action

Join Impact not a Bank on the journey to redefine the financial and organizational landscape of the world. Together, we can ensure that the necessary transformation is not just a vision, but a tangible and sustainable reality for all.

Call to Action

Join Impact not a Bank on the journey to redefine the financial and organizational landscape of the world. Together, we can ensure that the necessary transformation is not just a vision, but a tangible and sustainable reality for all.

This manifesto is more than a statement of intentions; it is a commitment to a chain of positive changes, a call to action for a world where social and environmental impact is not only possible, but also sustainable and inclusive. We invite all stakeholders to join us in this crucial mission of transformation.

This manifesto is more than a statement of intentions; it is a commitment to a chain of positive changes, a call to action for a world where social and environmental impact is not only possible, but also sustainable and inclusive. We invite all stakeholders to join us in this crucial mission of transformation.


Our seals


Impact not a Bank Payments SA, registered under CNPJ/MF, under no. 40,059,045/0001-56, is not a financial institution and does not directly carry out credit operations. It acts as a payment institution, governed by Law No. 12,865, of October 9, 2013, and regulated by Circular of the Central Bank of Brazil (“Bacen”) No. 3,885, of March 26, 2018, and as a banking correspondent under the terms of art. 2, of CMN Resolution 3,954, of February 24, 2011 (“Resolution 4,656/2018). Impact Bank enables services for buying, selling, and moving funds, within a payment arrangement, and operates as an authorized exchange correspondent by the Central Bank of Brazil of eFX Corretora de Câmbio Ltda., CNPJ 94,968,518/0001-67, headquartered at Avenida São Luis, 192, sobreloja 25, República, Centro, CEP 01046-913, São Paulo-SP, phone (11) 3156-2166, ombudsman 0800 770 5422 | to facilitate the process of buying and selling foreign currency ("Impact Bank Exchange"). Some services provided, such as transferring funds from Impact Bank payment accounts to other banks, are carried out through partnerships with financial institutions duly authorized by Bacen. The Impact Bank Investment Platform is developed by Órama Distribuidora de Títulos e Valores Mobiliários S.A. ("Órama"), an institution integrated into the securities distribution system duly established and operational in Brazil, duly authorized to operate by the Central Bank of Brazil ("BACEN") and by the Securities and Exchange Commission ("CVM"). Órama is responsible for the distribution of investment products. All operations carried out on the Impact Bank Investment Platform are executed and monitored through Órama's control systems. Impact Bank is not authorized to provide any activity related to the distribution of investments provided for in a specific norm and regulated by a regulating body, including, but not limited to, activities regulated by CVM under the terms of CVM Resolution No. 19, of February 25, 2021, which deals with the activity of securities consultancy; CVM Resolution No. 16, of February 9, 2021, which deals with the activity of independent investment agent; CVM Resolution No. 21, of February 25, 2021, relating to the activity of managing a portfolio of securities; and CVM Resolution No. 20, of February 25, 2021, which deals with the activity of securities analyst. Before making any investment decision, the investor must analyze if the investment product is compatible with their profile and contact their securities intermediary and/or investment advisor.

© 2024 Impact not a Bank. All rights reserved.


Our seals


Impact not a Bank Payments SA, registered under CNPJ/MF, under no. 40,059,045/0001-56, is not a financial institution and does not directly carry out credit operations. It acts as a payment institution, governed by Law No. 12,865, of October 9, 2013, and regulated by Circular of the Central Bank of Brazil (“Bacen”) No. 3,885, of March 26, 2018, and as a banking correspondent under the terms of art. 2, of CMN Resolution 3,954, of February 24, 2011 (“Resolution 4,656/2018). Impact Bank enables services for buying, selling, and moving funds, within a payment arrangement, and operates as an authorized exchange correspondent by the Central Bank of Brazil of eFX Corretora de Câmbio Ltda., CNPJ 94,968,518/0001-67, headquartered at Avenida São Luis, 192, sobreloja 25, República, Centro, CEP 01046-913, São Paulo-SP, phone (11) 3156-2166, ombudsman 0800 770 5422 | to facilitate the process of buying and selling foreign currency ("Impact Bank Exchange"). Some services provided, such as transferring funds from Impact Bank payment accounts to other banks, are carried out through partnerships with financial institutions duly authorized by Bacen. The Impact Bank Investment Platform is developed by Órama Distribuidora de Títulos e Valores Mobiliários S.A. ("Órama"), an institution integrated into the securities distribution system duly established and operational in Brazil, duly authorized to operate by the Central Bank of Brazil ("BACEN") and by the Securities and Exchange Commission ("CVM"). Órama is responsible for the distribution of investment products. All operations carried out on the Impact Bank Investment Platform are executed and monitored through Órama's control systems. Impact Bank is not authorized to provide any activity related to the distribution of investments provided for in a specific norm and regulated by a regulating body, including, but not limited to, activities regulated by CVM under the terms of CVM Resolution No. 19, of February 25, 2021, which deals with the activity of securities consultancy; CVM Resolution No. 16, of February 9, 2021, which deals with the activity of independent investment agent; CVM Resolution No. 21, of February 25, 2021, relating to the activity of managing a portfolio of securities; and CVM Resolution No. 20, of February 25, 2021, which deals with the activity of securities analyst. Before making any investment decision, the investor must analyze if the investment product is compatible with their profile and contact their securities intermediary and/or investment advisor.

© 2024 Impact not a Bank. All rights reserved.


Our seals


Impact not a Bank Payments SA, registered under CNPJ/MF, under no. 40,059,045/0001-56, is not a financial institution and does not directly carry out credit operations. It acts as a payment institution, governed by Law No. 12,865, of October 9, 2013, and regulated by Circular of the Central Bank of Brazil (“Bacen”) No. 3,885, of March 26, 2018, and as a banking correspondent under the terms of art. 2, of CMN Resolution 3,954, of February 24, 2011 (“Resolution 4,656/2018). Impact Bank enables services for buying, selling, and moving funds, within a payment arrangement, and operates as an authorized exchange correspondent by the Central Bank of Brazil of eFX Corretora de Câmbio Ltda., CNPJ 94,968,518/0001-67, headquartered at Avenida São Luis, 192, sobreloja 25, República, Centro, CEP 01046-913, São Paulo-SP, phone (11) 3156-2166, ombudsman 0800 770 5422 | to facilitate the process of buying and selling foreign currency ("Impact Bank Exchange"). Some services provided, such as transferring funds from Impact Bank payment accounts to other banks, are carried out through partnerships with financial institutions duly authorized by Bacen. The Impact Bank Investment Platform is developed by Órama Distribuidora de Títulos e Valores Mobiliários S.A. ("Órama"), an institution integrated into the securities distribution system duly established and operational in Brazil, duly authorized to operate by the Central Bank of Brazil ("BACEN") and by the Securities and Exchange Commission ("CVM"). Órama is responsible for the distribution of investment products. All operations carried out on the Impact Bank Investment Platform are executed and monitored through Órama's control systems. Impact Bank is not authorized to provide any activity related to the distribution of investments provided for in a specific norm and regulated by a regulating body, including, but not limited to, activities regulated by CVM under the terms of CVM Resolution No. 19, of February 25, 2021, which deals with the activity of securities consultancy; CVM Resolution No. 16, of February 9, 2021, which deals with the activity of independent investment agent; CVM Resolution No. 21, of February 25, 2021, relating to the activity of managing a portfolio of securities; and CVM Resolution No. 20, of February 25, 2021, which deals with the activity of securities analyst. Before making any investment decision, the investor must analyze if the investment product is compatible with their profile and contact their securities intermediary and/or investment advisor.

© 2024 Impact not a Bank. All rights reserved.